Friday, July 22, 2011

I thought Tea-baggers and Republican's were anti-entitlement....

So why is it they want to ENTITLE the mega rich and big-OIL companies to tax breaks then?? Please 'splain you ass-wipes.

It's like they'll do anything to be against Obabma, to the point of potentially causing the global financial market to melt down. We need to raise the debt ceiling so America doesn't go into Default. But no, the Republicans and Nut-Baggers won't have it: NO TAXES ON THE MEGA RICH OR BIG OIL, ONLY CUT PROGRAMS FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED THEM. THATS how to solve the deficit and increase the debt!

These fucking pricks claim they don't believe in "entitlement" for the people who actually need it, but the reality is they do believe in "entitlement" only it's ENTITLEMENT for the people who make billions of dollars to begin with! 

Brilliant! Take any sort of benefit and "entitlement" programs from the fuckers like us who struggle or "just" get by, and give the benefits and entitlement to the people who need it least: The Mega Rich. 

And you know what will happen if we default? What happens if you don't pay your  bills? Someone comes looking for you to get their money back. Well, guess what? CHINA and to a smaller part, Japan, OWN THE UNITED STATES. The vast majority of our debt is OWNED by China. In Japan, they also have a high deficit, but THEY own their deficit (Japan owns 95% of it's debt). Unlike America, we sell all these bonds on our debt, and CHINA owns almost all of it. SUPER!!

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