Well, that didn't really work out too well the last time around, so please, lets not make that mistake again. The last Texas Governor who became President inherited the largest budget SURPLUS in the countries history, but he left us with the largest DEFICIT (which is of course, even worse now) in history, a bunch of wars, and collapsed housing, banking and car manufacturing. - Just a reminder in case you've all forgotten already.
Gov. Perry may have "low unemployment" but the majority of those employed in Texas are POOR. Texas has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation (6th highest to be specific), but hey at least the POOR FUCKS have jobs right!?!? LMFAO. More than 1 in 4 children in Texas are in POVERTY. Yeah, that sounds just great, lets get Gov. Perry to be President Perry and then we can all be underpaid, but WORKING for shit, and his rich Oil / Corporate CEO buddies will get richer and richer, and give back less and less. Yep, that sounds an awesome plan!
although, I will say, Obama has no balls.