Friday, September 30, 2011

Michelle Bachman has the Crazy-Eye

But I'm pretty sure she's just plain crazy.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tiësto | Free Music Downloads | RCRD LBL Mixtapes

Here is a hot new mixtape of legendary DJ Tiesto, FREE from my favorite music site where I've been downloading new music before you hear it anywhere else at

En entire mixtape of tracks for FREE whoopee!!

Tiësto | Free Music Downloads | RCRD LBL Mixtapes

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

- Lights On (Gigamesh Remix)

- Lights On (Gigamesh Remix)

Break all the curfew rules with Katy B, and give a listen to her newly remixed jam over at RCRD LBL.

Friday, September 9, 2011

More on Texas Governor Perry

Ok, lets get this straight. He doesn't believe climate change is real, it's based on "questionable" science! Yet his state is having record fires, heat and drought. He thinks "big government" should get out of spending money, and cut every possible cost, INCLUDING FEMA. BUT, he has now asked to have his state declared an emergency disaster and asking for help from, you guessed it: FEMA. WOW, double standard much? "NO big government, we must cut every government programs funding, but uh, can you wait till you give my state money for the current disasters first?"

He want's to be President of America. His state has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation, but at least all the poor folks have minimum wage jobs.  He fought against "Obamacare" and guess what, his state has the 2nd highest percentage of uninsured pepole in the nation! WIN!! And not only that, the people who do actually have health insurance pay more than pretty much any other state. MORE WIN!! One third of all children in Texas have no health insurance and they didn't go to the Dr. or dentist last year for simple annual checkups! The biggest WIN of all for him! His rich oil, corporate and insurance industry buddies must really love him. Win for big business, win for big oil, win for insurance CEO's, and utter FAIL for everyone else.

No offense Mr. Perry, but if you become the next President, I will move out of the country because I will not live in your vision of America. That's not the America I love and was born in, no thank you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Texas Governor as President? Hmmmm

Well, that didn't really work out too well the last time around, so please, lets not make that mistake again. The last Texas Governor who became President inherited the largest budget SURPLUS in the countries history, but he left us with the largest DEFICIT (which is of course, even worse now) in history, a bunch of wars, and collapsed housing, banking and car manufacturing. - Just a reminder in case you've all forgotten already.

Gov. Perry may have "low unemployment" but the majority of those employed in Texas are POOR. Texas has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation (6th highest to be specific), but hey at least the POOR FUCKS have jobs right!?!?  LMFAO.  More than 1 in 4 children in Texas are in POVERTY. Yeah, that sounds just great, lets get Gov. Perry to be President Perry and then we can all be underpaid, but WORKING for shit, and his rich Oil / Corporate CEO buddies will get richer and richer, and give back less and less. Yep, that sounds an awesome plan!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Weekly Beer Best Deals

Each week, I'm going to post up the best deals on beer I drink, like Coors Light, Budweiser, etc. Please add comments below with the best deals in your area on what YOU like!

Right now 8/26-9/1 at Rite Aid they have Coors and Budwesier family 18 packs for $9.99!!  That's a fuckin deal.

My new business

....which I'll gladly pay taxes on.

Manufacturing custom printed Top UPS (EZ-UP) tents, flags and banners. Also sourcing goods from China. If you need anything, please drop me an email and we'll get back to you! We are located in El Monte CA.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So Danica Patrick is going to Nascar Nationwide full time in 2012.

*yawn* I could care less. She's never been more than mid-pack in Indy Car and 2 former Indy Car CHAMPIONS (people with more than ONE lucky win) have tried making the switch from lightweight, open cockpit cars and failed at Nascar, but hey, she's Dannnica. At least with all the fender banging and wrecking in Nascar, she'll fit right in! LMAO.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I thought Tea-baggers and Republican's were anti-entitlement....

So why is it they want to ENTITLE the mega rich and big-OIL companies to tax breaks then?? Please 'splain you ass-wipes.

It's like they'll do anything to be against Obabma, to the point of potentially causing the global financial market to melt down. We need to raise the debt ceiling so America doesn't go into Default. But no, the Republicans and Nut-Baggers won't have it: NO TAXES ON THE MEGA RICH OR BIG OIL, ONLY CUT PROGRAMS FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED THEM. THATS how to solve the deficit and increase the debt!

These fucking pricks claim they don't believe in "entitlement" for the people who actually need it, but the reality is they do believe in "entitlement" only it's ENTITLEMENT for the people who make billions of dollars to begin with! 

Brilliant! Take any sort of benefit and "entitlement" programs from the fuckers like us who struggle or "just" get by, and give the benefits and entitlement to the people who need it least: The Mega Rich. 

And you know what will happen if we default? What happens if you don't pay your  bills? Someone comes looking for you to get their money back. Well, guess what? CHINA and to a smaller part, Japan, OWN THE UNITED STATES. The vast majority of our debt is OWNED by China. In Japan, they also have a high deficit, but THEY own their deficit (Japan owns 95% of it's debt). Unlike America, we sell all these bonds on our debt, and CHINA owns almost all of it. SUPER!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Graphic Artists who FAIL

I love people at "creative media" groups who send over logos with 10 page logo guidelines and yet they DIDN'T CONVERT THE FONTS TO OUTLINES. You are a GENIUS!!!!

Sorry moron's, I may have tons of fonts, but I don't have every font on earth. Creating outlines of fonts ensures that no matter who opens them, on what machine they open them, the logo looks RIGHT. You: FAIL.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Cut Medicare! Cut Medicaid! Cut education! Cut out funding for Parks! But GOD FORBID if you touch those $$$BILLIONS of big oil PROFITS!!!!!

So let me get this straight, Big Oil, would still generate enough revenue to profit in the many, many billions of dollars even if we taxed them at high rates. But somehow, MANY, MANY, BILLIONS is just not enough!!!! It's got to be MEGA MANY BILLIONS right???  What the FUCK????

Life today is getting more and more like the middle ages: the average person is drifting from middle class to poverty and we're all nothing more than the Serfs of the big Corporations.

New lines to the song God Save the Queen (the origin of My Country Tis of Thee) :
God save our gracious Exxon/Mobil(etc),
long live our noble Exxon/Mobil,
God save our Exxon/Mobil,
Send them our hard earned money,
Happy to serve eternally,
Long to reign over us,
God save our Exxon/Mobil.

Yep, that's what it's come down to. Corporations rule the world now, not governments, corporations whose sole priority to their shareholders is to increase profits at ANY cost.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Conservatives and Short Term Memory Loss (are they all a bunch of stoners?)

July 8, 2011, National Journal, Ronald Brownstein

During Bill Clinton’s two terms as president, the median family income increased by 14 percent, the number of Americans in poverty declined by nearly 17 percent, and the number of children in poverty fell by almost one-fourth.

Since he left office in 2001, the median income has declined by 5 percent, or more than $2,500. The number of Americans in poverty has increased by 38 percent, or about 12 million. The number of children in poverty has spiked by one-third, or nearly 4 million. Few decades in American history have produced such economic losses.

The Clinton-era gains derived, above all, from a dynamic labor market that produced nearly 23 million new jobs from February 1993 to February 2001. Conversely, the stagnation of America’s lost decade since then is rooted in a breakdown of job growth: Incredibly, nearly 1.5 million fewer Americans are working today than in the first full month after Clinton left office. The Great Recession that followed the financial meltdown of 2008 vastly compounded the problem but didn’t create it. Even while the economy grew from 2001 through 2007, it produced, on average, only about half as many jobs annually as it did during the 1990s.


Clinton was the man, I don't give a rat's ass if he lied about fucking an unattractive chick: it had nothing to do with how he did his job. The job of President is not to be a guiding light of perfect morals, it's to lead a country. The 90's were great, I had a bright outlook on the future, my career was going upward, and everyone was in a groovy mood. Then we allowed Bush / Cheney (Satan himself?) to steal / rig a Presidential election and the rest as they say, is history.

Our current predicament is NOT from the whopping 2.5 years Obama has been our (landslide elected) President. He inherited a record deficit, 2 wars and a fucked up economy, but he get's the blame for it. Talk about short term memory loss or selective memory, how ever you call it

Forward this to all your conservative friends to help refresh their memory a little bit. Or maybe it's too late and they all have Alzheimer's already.....